Sunday, December 11, 2011

Felt Birdies Christmas Ornament - Tutorial

I made these Felt Birdies ornaments for my friends and colleagues for Christmas. They were easy and fun to make.

Here is a quick tutorial:

Things you would need:
  • Felt in any color you prefer
  • Cotton thread in matching color
  • Needle
  • Scissors

Step 1: Fold the felt in half and cut the felt in the above shape of a bird.  You would need 2 similar shapes for front and back.

Step 2: You would need to to cut a felt of above 3 shapes: 1 wing shape, 3 small circles and 1 blank eye.

Step 3: Attach the round felts to the wing, as shown in the above picture.

Step 4: Attach the wing on one side of felt bird cut out. Also attach the eye on this side.

Step 5: Stitch the 2nd blank birdie felt to the one decorated using blanket stitch. Right when you are almost done, insert the foam or any padding to give birdie its shape.Then close the bird. 

Step 6: Now experiment with any color combinations you wish.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.

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