Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Peasant Dress


I think all my posts can start with: 'I am finally back with another post'. It might seem like I am not upto much these days, but the truth is, I enjoy working on my projects so much more than blogging about it. This brings me back to thinking, why I started this blog hmm.. 

Between this post and my last post, I have worked on so many projects, but its too late(or boring?) to post about most.  But I will definitely be back with my son's 5th Birthday post soon. Between multiple laptop crashes, and switching to PC from MAC, transferring of pictures(not complete), mixed with my laziness, it keeps getting postponed. 

Probably I need to explore on how to blog from my iphone, while directly uploading pics from it. So many steps eliminated. 

Anyway, back to the original topic of this post. A peasant dress for my little monster.She is growing up super fast. With summer here, I am sewing a lot of simple dresses for her. What could be simpler and cuter than a peasant dress. A pillowcase dress? But that's for another post (if I ever get to it).

I followed this tutorial from sewmuchado. I had earlier used this tutorial to make a dress for M while I was pregnant with her. Here is a picture of M when she was just few days old in her peasant dress. Those days are a blur now.

I wish time would go by little slower so I could enjoy each stage of my super strong willed girl, a bit more, oh and sew (and maybe blog) tons of more dresses for her. 

Happy Sewing!


  1. Lovely dress and love Miss M's pigtails :)

    Keep posting with more frequency, I miss your updates.


  2. Hi Tania, hope everyone is fine and well; and with your DIY work. Love your enthusiastic spirit. Always look forward to seeing what you are up to. Keep posting your work. Love to see how creative you can be. You have an international fan following including me. Love Jyoti.

  3. Meri Paplo in a very cute dress!! Loved it Shishter...
    A big hug to Maya from me and her NAYA :)
