Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine Airplane Cards

Its that time of the year again : Valentine's Day. If you have children of school going age, it probably involves sending a valentine card for an entire class. So, like most of the years, this year too, we decided to make the cards at home. 

What kid is not fascinated with airplanes at some point in life. This Valentines,  my 4 year old and  I came up with the idea of Airplane Valentines cards for his class at school. 

It was perfect timing, as couple of weeks back, we had picked up a Paper Airplane book from library and practiced most of the airplanes in it.

My son chose a Raptor Airplane and we started the long process of making 25 of these planes. The thinner the paper, the better it is. Its difficult to get all the details and minute folds with a heavy cardstock.

There is not much space to write on the airplane, and really, its too much to ask a 4 year old to write 25 cards. So, my son wrote his name on a piece of paper, which I scanned and added rest of the message to it, and printed the whole thing. We added it to the airplane as a banner with a thread and a punched hole.

These cards went zooming to the class along with some Valentine's cookies.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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