I saw these crayon monograms all over the internet, and decided to make one for my son's teacher for Teacher's Appreciation Week. It appeared pretty easy to make, but was I mistaken.. oh yes.. especially for letter 'M', where the crayons needed to be cut so tiny. And I had to make 2 of these, as both my son's teachers had their name with M.
The steps are straight forward:
1) Print out the alphabet, and cut it.
2) Cut the crayons to fit the alphabets. I would really advice to stick the crayon with hot glue, prior to cutting. If you are thinking of removing the crayon wrapper, then you'll have to use something other than hot glue, as it'll make crayon melt.
3) Take a thick cardstock paper, cut to the size that would fit in a frame, and glue the alphabet on it.
4) You can either choose to use a shadow picture frame, or a regular photo frame with the glass removed.
Have fun with crayons and be prepared to clean up all the mess left after all the cutting :-)